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Event Inquiry Form

We are very excited that you are interested in our venue for your special event/wedding planning.

Please take a moment and fill out the questions on this inquiry form as completely as you can. This is so that we can send you information to determine if our venue is the right fit for your plans.

We will send you a reply that includes our information about the venue, rental rates, availability, and to ask about setting up a guided tour with our venue manager.

Thank you & Cheers!

Stephanie Lee Wiitala
Venue Manager
Cathedral Barn at Historic Barns Park
Ph: 231.409.8382

Cathedral Barn Regular summer office hours | subject to weekly scheduled events

Monday/Tuesday  | Out of the office
Wednesday - Friday
|  9:00am-5:00pm by phone or email 
Saturday - Sunday | by appointment only and dependent on event schedule at the venue 

Evening appointments available by request

Schedule subject to events at the venue and availability. Phone calls and site visits by appointment are highly recommended.


The Cathedral Barn at

Historic Barns Park

1500 Red Drive
Traverse City, MI   49684

Phone: (231) 409-8382